alternative-art@picex 2014
Alternative-Art 於5月2日至5月4日在九龍灣國際展貿中心首次舉行的香港影像及攝影器材博覽展出4位不同類別的攝影藝術家作品,包括本地濕版攝影藝術家張益平先生 (Stephen Cheung),視覺藝術家林志堅先生 (Tony Lim),台灣的攝影藝術創作者簡永彬先生及紐西蘭的攝影藝術創作者Rosemary Horn。除此之外,我們分別會在不同時段有不同的活動項目。
Alternative-Art 於5月2日至5月4日在九龍灣國際展貿中心首次舉行的香港影像及攝影器材博覽展出4位不同類別的攝影藝術家作品,包括本地濕版攝影藝術家張益平先生 (Stephen Cheung),視覺藝術家林志堅先生 (Tony Lim),台灣的攝影藝術創作者簡永彬先生及紐西蘭的攝影藝術創作者Rosemary Horn。除此之外,我們分別會在不同時段有不同的活動項目。
1) holga + cyanotype image show: 6 Jan - 31 Jan 2014 2) drink + eat + chat opening to all: 11 Jan 2014 (7:00-9:00 pm at opendoor cafe) 3) holga + wet plate portrait experiencing workshop
[10-12am] Paper Folding Pinhole Camera Making Workshop 紙摺針孔相機製作工作坊 Tutor: Pinhole Master – Mr. Martin Cheung Seats: 30 [2-5 pm] Darkroom Experimental Workshop 黑房(咖啡)沖晒體驗坊 Tutor: Pinhole Master – Mr. Tony Lim Seats: 30 (Using the camera made in Session A Workshop)
The PQ8x10 instant film is playful and flexible. We have great fun by holding the PQ8x10 shooting workshop on 3/3/2013. With tremendous requests, we now share with you the SHOOTING + EMULSION LIFT workshop. For those who had missed the workshop held on 3/3, this is your change ...
View Impossible PQ8x10 Shooting & Emulsion Lift workshop [24/3/13] →
Film: Impossible 8x10 PQ Monochrome Camera: Sinar P 8x10 Lens: Portrat Doppel - Objectiv 320mm
Alternative-Art has got the film for workshop. Impossible PQ has its own experience in developing. Click on photo for more details.
Pinhole + Coffee + vitaminC + Washing Soda + Salt formula. Film: Kodak color 160NC
Pinhole + Coffee + vitaminC + Washing Soda + Salt formula. Film: Kodak color 160NC
Developed by: Coffee + Vitamin C + Washing Soda Film: Tmax 100